YouTube is one of the most Popular websites with over 8 billion views per day, which is massive by any standard. There are already a lot of people making Money by making YouTube Videos and some of them are earning much more than you could even imagine to get from a regular 9-5 Job. Add to it, YouTube does bring fame along with it.
To be able to earn money with YouTube, you need to make original Videos, you cannot earn money through Movie trailers or other copyrighted videos.
Videos may be anything out of the wild. You can make Videos of Gadgets reviews or Tutorials or cooking videos or even videos of you asking random questions to people down the street.
And yes, with YouTube earning potentials are unlimited. It just depends on your skills to make a video which can go viral on the internet. Consider this, YouTube Channle DC Toys Collector actually made $4.9 million in 2014 just by making videos of unboxing Disney toys.